A Glimpse of the Mind Landscapes
2022 / 15 min
VR installation, dimensions variable
Artists|CURIOSKI (Cheng Yi-Ting / Li Yi-Ho)
Technical Director / Programmer|Jerry Su
Art Director / 3D Artist|THEING
Sound Designer / Composer|Ihsuan Lin
藝術團隊|CURIOSKI 好奇機(鄭伊婷 / 李懿澕)
技術總監 / 程式設計|蘇健瑞
美術總監 / 3D 建模貼圖|劉尉廷
音效設計 / 作曲|林義軒
↘ The Proto-ocean for Co-consciousness, MoCA Taipei
↘ Kaohsiung VR FILM LAB, Talent Workshop & Pitching Competition, TAICCA Special Prize
高雄VR FILM LAB創作培育工作坊暨提案競賽|文策院特別獎
↘ Venice Film Festival & Venice Production Bridge, VENICE IMMERSIVE MARKET-2023
威尼斯影展|沉浸式市場展 - 臺灣館-2023
“A Glimpse of the Mind Landscapes” is a three-piece VR installation series. The design is to explore the thinking of the human mind through VR based on the Philosophy of Mind. The audiences will put on three kinds of the “brain plugin” and enter into different mind landscapes, where they are provided with somatosensory experiences that are distinct from what humans are currently capable of perceiving on their own.
<Plugin01_Rejuvenation> Immerse your feet in the water, and watch your flesh repeat the process of being pecked by the fishes and grow back, which is to experiment with how visual effects associate with body perception.
<Plugin02_Transformation> Transport your mind element to another virtual human, and be able to put on new limbs to transform into a brand-new self. It responds to the core question—“If a man changes his body, is he still who he is?”
<Plugin03_Out-of-body> This is the highest-level mind landscape. It is a trip to completely free your mind from the limitations of body vehicles. You will fly through a sequence of life forms from the microcosm to the macrocosm, which provides the imagination of how the soul experiences the world.
《意識景觀系列》 由三件VR創作構成,探討VR科技如何理解從心智哲學出發的意識思考。觀眾將戴上不同的「人腦外掛」,進入三種不同層次的意識景觀,獲得有別於人類目前所能感知到的體感經驗,並探討在虛擬環境中擁有的身體感受,將如何透過視知覺形成對現實世界中自我存在的解讀。
<Plugin01_新生> 外掛一號是一個空白的洞穴世界,觀眾將雙腳浸入水池,讓魚群穿梭於雙腳之間,並啄食虛擬肉體。此設計試圖讓觀眾感受到自己在虛擬環境中產生的互動行為,能塑造具有現實反饋的體感認知。
<Plugin02_變異> 外掛二號將原有的自我意識交付予另一位虛擬人物,離開了人身型態設定,並穿戴由實驗室提供的新身體。過程中藉由切換視角來實現靈魂轉移,並探索自我意識進入各種身體軀殼後的適應變化。
<Plugin03_出體> 外掛三號為最高級別的意識景觀。人類能讓意識脫離身體載具的限制,並在不同維度之間恣意旅行,達到對飛行的想像。觀眾將穿梭於各種生命體與無機物之間,體驗從微觀展開至宏觀的視野。
Photos of Exhibition


Production process